How can I know God?
This is undoubtedly one of the most crucial questions to be asked.
This question, however, is not whether God exists or not. I do not want to engage in a long explanation of how we know He exists. In fact, there is no real need to debate it because the consciousness of man testifies to the reality of the existence of God. We know there is a God. It is interwoven into human nature. It is innate within us. On the other hand, what we do not know is what God looks like or simply: Who is he?
It is one thing to believe that God exists, but it is another to be able to clearly affirm to KNOWING GOD. The Bible states that God can be known. It challenges us and urges us above all to go in search of God in the words “Seek the LORD while he may be found ; call on Him, while He is near “Isaiah 55: 6.
How can we know God?
The one who believes in God will also love and worship Him, because God infinite and eternal. He is our Creator. That is why it is so important to have a right concept of God. It is only when we have a right understanding of God that our worship is acceptable. If our thoughts are totally wrong, then we will worship a false god, who is nothing but a god of our imagination. The only true and living God, would want us to know who He is. He wants us to understand Him and know Him correctly.
Can scientists help us?
How then can we know God? Can scientists help us in this quest? No, this is not their field of study or realm of knowledge. They are more interested in the course of nature than its source. Science seeks to respond to the “how” of things and not to the “why”. Nevertheless, the scientist’s careful interest in pursuing the truth, and his sincere desire to stick to proven natural laws, is of no small importance.
Can philosophers help us?
Perhaps a philosopher could help us? Again, the answer is no, because philosophers are more concerned with the analysis of words and ideas. However, don’t think we reject out of hand the benefit of learning from the logic of philosophical arguments.
Contrary to all this, theology, which is the study of God and his attributes, is based more on facts. The Christian faith is not just a series of ideas. The Bible is written as a history. Our faith is built on facts.
Where can we find help?
Man, by his own efforts, has not been able and will never succeed in knowing God. Unless God comes to His rescue to reveal Himself to us. The question, then, is whether God really wants to make Himself known? Does he want men to know Him in truth? Having created man, is it not self-evident that he wants him to know Him? And from the moment He decided to reveal himself to the man, how would He do it?
Sometimes a simple illustration helps us to understand very deep truths. Let us imagine that a skilful master-carpenter of whom we had never heard and who lives far enough away from us decides to make himself known to us. How is he going to do that?
On another page I have explained how God has revealed Himself through Creation, Scripture and finally, through Christ. He made a Universe that speaks of His infinite power and wisdom. He caused men to write without error describing Who He is and what He requires of us. Finally, He came to our rescue. The Son of God became Man. He lived without sin and died to take the penalty we deserve.
In conclusion then, when we ask the question: “How can a man know God?” The answer is: through creation, the Bible and Jesus Christ. Let us note, however, that the desire of God is not only to give us a head full of accurate and precise information about Him.
He would rather that we should arrive at a a knowledge of God as a Person, as our God and Father and even as a friend who is closer than any brother. H has revealed Himself so that He is no longer a stranger to us, that we might love him with all our heart and with our whole soul.
You can know a lot of facts and figures about God, but the most important thing is to know Him personally and intimately as a loving heavenly Father. This is done by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ in your life and placing all your trust in Him. Jesus invites you to come to Him and meet God face to face.
Do you really want to find God?
Accept the invitation of Christ and believe in him. “You will seek me, and you will find me, if you seek me with all your heart.” “I will be found by you, says the Lord … “(Jeremiah 29:13). You can receive Jesus in your life by speaking to him now through a sincere prayer. Open your heart to him, acknowledge your sins and confess them. Ask God to wash away all your sins by the blood of Jesus shed on the cross. God forgives those who humble themselves before Him. He knows perfectly well what you have in your heart, so it is useless to hide anything from him. God wants you to turn to Him to know and love Him, rather than merely to know about Him.